The Finishes Explained
Forging metal to adorn architectural space requires knowledge and love for the material and its expressive potentialities, as well as great creativity and continuous technological research.
The meticulous attention to details and the manual execution of all finishing operations testify to the expertise of our company whose very identity and raison d’être is to experiment with metal and explore the full potential of its variation and permutations.
Our stunning portfolio of decorative copper, brass and aluminium finishes is ever expanding. Here we display the main types of finishes available for our metal furnishings. Not every product comes in every finish – you can browse our curated in stock metal furniture and interior design elements that are ready to be shipped right away. If you see a finish you love, but the product doesn’t show it is available, please do contact us and we can see if a bespoke option can be made for you. Identically, if you require metal finishing to an exact colour or shade, then please forward photographs or samples for us using our bespoke order contact form so we can advise on the best way forward.

Brass / Copper / Aluminum
Bespoke handcraft finishing created by kopar. for indoor and outdoor use. Brushed metal is obtained manually with specific machinery and abrasives, then protected with a transparent matt or glossy varnish.

Aged (aka Patinated)
Brass / Copper / Aluminum
Bespoke handcraft finishing created by kopar. for indoor and outdoor use. The processes by which we achieve a patina on our metals most naturally reflects the way they would naturally age if left to their own devices in nature or in dwellings in the company of humans. We do not add an artificial layer at any stage. The antique metal finishes are achieved through sensitive, controlled, and measured application of materials to metals that accelerates the natural ageing process. Metal undergoes such manual oxidation treatment to obtain chromatic effects. Subsequently it is lacquered with a protective transparent matt or glossy varnish.

Brass / Copper
Bespoke handcraft finishing created by kopar. for indoor and outdoor use. Oxidized metal is obtained manually through the combination of fire, oxidation, and pigments, then protected with a transparent matt or glossy varnish. The latter ensures that the metal colors do not dull, and the texture is not lost. The whole metal oxidation process may last from 24 hours to as well as one week or even longer. A special patination fluid is applied for producing natural light blue and green verdigris effect in infinite variations, inspired by nature and its elements, on copper or brass that develops over many years when the metal weathers because of exposure to air and water (especially salt water).
Trends may ebb and flow, but style endures the test of time
Interior design is an art, impacting our mood, wellness, and sense of self. A tangible force of expression with the power to calm, reflect, and inspire, interior design is an intrinsic part of life. Our homes and workspaces – our own private sanctuaries – collate and narrate our lives in visual, emotive, and sensual ways. Please take some time to browse our design and project pages, draw inspiration and be inspired. Your perfect style story is within, and you are the author.
Our Metals Specifications:
Learn more about:
- Handcrafted by skilled artisans
- 100% recyclable
- Chemical resistant
- Antibacterial
- High impact resistant
- Water resistant
- Stain resistant
- UV inhibited